Many businesses are using health and safety consultants to teach them how to perform the required, adequate risk assessments in everyday operations. There are all sorts of occasions in the workplace which demand the use of risk assessments. By failing to perform these vital taks you are putting your employees and possibly the public at risk of harm and opening yourself up to prosecution by the Health and Safety Executive.
Points to Consider When Creating a Risk Assessment
There are several questions you need to ask when creating a risk assessment. These include looking for potential dangers in the workplace and who is at risk from harm from these dangers. You will also need to evaluate any risks and come up with ways of controlling these risks, which also includes any controls which are already in place.
The risk assessments will need to be recorded and kept for future reference. You will also need to frequently review them and make changes when necessary. The best times to perform a review are when any new changes are brought into the workplace. This may involve new equipment or methods of work which were not previously taken into account. Should any incidents occur it is also wise to go over the assessment and see how similar incidents could have been avoided and so bring in new control measures.
Method Statements
Although method statements are not required by law they are extremely useful when it comes to health and safety in the workplace, especially the construction industry. A method statement is different to risk assessments; the statement states a sequence explaining how the job needs to be carried out to reduce any risks which have been described in the risk assessment. With a method statement you are able to carefully plan any work and make sure you have in place all the resources necessary.
Receive the Proper Training
One of the health and safety services provided by Veritas Consulting involves risk assessments and training. Although assessments can be performed without professional assistance it is useful to make sure you are fully up to date with all the laws and regulations in your industry, as well as learning how to create adequate assessments and the skills required for method statements.
Health and safety consultants are able to teach you these skills, or perhaps perform the tasks on your behalf. If you are concerned about the strength of your health and safety skills it can be extremely beneficial to use the expertise of health and safety consultants with extensive knowledge and experience in this field.
By making sure that your workplace is safe you can protect your workers and the public from harm. Call 0800 1488 677 to discuss these services in greater detail. You can show any inspectors that you are doing everything that is feasibly possibly to manage your work environment and reduce the risks faced each day in the workplace. By doing you may be able to potentially avoid prosecution should an incident arise where you can prove you did everything possible to follow the health and safety regulations and laws.

A chartered (fellow) safety and risk management practitioner with 20+ years of experience. David provides a healthy dose of how-to articles, advice and guidance to make compliance easier for construction professionals, Architects and the built environment. Get social with David on Twitter and Linkedin.