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man and lady sitting at desks
Your desk is killing you

The British economy is increasingly service driven, which means that more of us are spending the working day sat at a desk. Although many people will assume that office jobs…

Health and safety scrabble board
Workplace deaths increase in Northern Ireland

Disturbing news from Northern Ireland as workplace deaths increase by 30% in one year. Figures published by HSENI show that workplace deaths in Northern Ireland increased by 30% during 2016/17….

poor air quality testing
Poor air quality – the forgotten productivity killer

Good air quality is essential to employee productivity – so why do so many employers overlook it? Air quality is a crucial factor in employee productivity and wellbeing – but…

Man whispering in ladies ear
Horrific industrial Penis accident is a warning to men everywhere

A man from Gloucestershire is recovering in hospital after suffering one of the most painful (and embarrassing) workplace injuries ever. Somehow, the man involved managed to cut off his own…

Health and safety an school shoes
The Annual Saga of the School Shoes

Every year kids are sent home for wearing the wrong uniform – but it’s not usually a health and safety issue. Every year, at the beginning of September, hundreds (thousands?)…

health and wellbeing distraught construction worker
When HR and health and safety need to join forces

In many organisations, health and safety measures are deployed to protect employees against physical dangers. Touchy-feely subjects based on emotions are left to the human resources department. Unfortunately, this means…

communication technology
Workplace psychology – communicating information and using influence effectively

Training plays an extremely important role in helping raise health and safety standards. But simply presenting information to employees may not be enough to affect the change you want. Instead,…

old school sign
OFSTED inspector kicks off a health and safety row

In this day and age, it is rare to hear a civil servant calling for children to be exposed to risky situations. But when Ofsted chief Amanda Spielman accused schools…

Men working up Scaffolding
What can you learn from Romanian site health and safety?

Lax health and safety standards may be amusing – until someone gets hurt. When visiting a foreign country, It is always interesting to observe the workplace habits of one’s peers….

Red danger tape
What is the most dangerous industry in the UK?

The HSE has released their latest figures about UK health and safety – and the results may be surprising for some. The annual HSE report always makes for sobering reading….

Stress and Depression
Addressing mental illness in the workplace

Despite continued awareness campaigns, mental illness still remains a taboo subject in the workplace. Read on. Mental illness remains one of the hardest subjects for employers and employees to tackle…

men balancing on string
Behaviour and why people take risks in the workplace

Despite all your risk assessments, PPE and disciplinary procedures, workplace safety still hinges on the behaviour of your employees. If workers act contrary to these guidelines designed to protect them,…

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