Hospitals and care homes will inevitably have patients who are susceptible to accidents or illness but it is all about the measures that healthcare facilities put into place to help lessen the chances of accidents and make sure that they are properly positioned to react in a timely fashion when a patient requires assistance.
When it comes to looking after patients in hospitals and care homes, it is invariably about making sure that you react quickly and efficiently when a patient requires assistance.
Anyone who steps foot into a hospital will be only too aware that it is filled with various different forms of technology and apparatus. Whilst this may seem overwhelming to many, it is important to realise that it is this very equipment which will help to keep us safe during our stay in a healthcare facility.
One of the main pieces of equipment that will be found in hospitals and care homes is that of wireless nurse call systems and it is vital that they are installed in these types of environments because it helps medical professionals to act quickly when a situation arises with a patient that needs a rapid response – such as a fall or ill health.
Time is of the Essence
Enhancing patient safety levels is all about putting practices in place to help erase the likelihood of an accident occurring and also ensuring that the response is rapid when it does. This is where technology like wireless nurse call systems really come into their own. They offer nursing staff an excellent overview of the area in which they are working with multi-zone capabilities and this is essential in a fast paced health care facility where actions need to be quick and decisive.
Nothing is more important than guaranteeing the safety of patients within one’s care and that is why the majority of hospitals and care homes in the UK, Europe and USA will have some form of nurse call system implemented into their infrastructure to help nursing staff to react quickly to any issues. The adaptability and cost-effectiveness of wireless nurse call technology is something that makes it viable for healthcare facilities of more or less any size. It is important to speak to experts in the field of nurse call systems in order to establish the right solution for your particular facility’s requirements.
For more information on the benefits of wireless nurse call systems, visit

A chartered (fellow) safety and risk management practitioner with 20+ years of experience. David provides a healthy dose of how-to articles, advice and guidance to make compliance easier for construction professionals, Architects and the built environment. Get social with David on Twitter and Linkedin.