It’s easy to think, browsing through the news or even through this blog, that health and safety is a massive issue with significant numbers of people being killed or injured every week. But figures published by the Health and Safety Executive logo (HSE) this week reveal two important truths:
- the number of people fatally injured at work in Britain during 2012 fell by 0.5 per 100,000 compared to the five year average
- Britain has consistently had one of the lowest rates of workplace fatalities in Europe for the last eight years
Of course, this is of no comfort at all to families and friends of those who have been killed in the line of work, especially when those injuries were sustained through careless neglect of health and safety legislation and regulations by the employer, but it is good to know that the hard work of those in the health and safety industry and those working to promote and implement government advice, requirements and regulations are helping to make a positive difference.
The fact is that there are people right now sitting down to dinner with their family, or enjoying a drink with their friends, who may have been yet another sad statistic were it not for the rigorous efforts by others to ensure that they were kept safe from injury whilst carrying out their work.
Industry Sector Breakdown
The figures released by the HSE actually show how different industry sectors compare, and it is interesting to note that the agricultural profession has the highest rate of fatal injuries, at 8.8 deaths per 100,000 workers. This is closely followed by the waste and recycling industry, about which I have written on a number of times in this blog, with 8.2 deaths per 100,000.
There is good news in the construction industry which had a rate of 1.9 deaths per 100,000 workers during 2012, which represents a decrease to 39 deaths compared to 48 during 2011. However, 39 deaths is hardly good news and much more must be done to continue to promote safe practices in the workplace.
Here at Veritas Consulting we like to think we’re doing our bit to help keep people safe, and our highly experienced health and safety advisors are always here to answer your questions and offer advice. Call us today on 0800 1488 677.
How To Challenge Daft Health And Safety Rules
Have you ever found yourself scratching your head or rolling your eyes at daft health and safety rules? Actually you’d better not, because scratching your head could result in the distribution of unwanted airborne particles and rolling your eyes could represent a trip hazard.
The truth is though that a huge number of so-called health and safety rules are anything but. Unfortunately too often businesses and public bodies hide behind the real reasons for wanting to ban certain activities or implement certain policies by inventing health and safety rules. In other cases it may simply be an overly anxious misinterpretation of exaggerated health and safety issues.
If you consider a rule or regulation is unwarranted and ridiculous, what can you do? Well the Health and Safety Executive logo (HSE) now has a dedicated panel whose role is to investigate such dodgy rules. Called the Myth Busting Challenge Panel you can submit your complaint using the form here:

A chartered (fellow) safety and risk management practitioner with 20+ years of experience. David provides a healthy dose of how-to articles, advice and guidance to make compliance easier for construction professionals, Architects and the built environment. Get social with David on Twitter and Linkedin.
Hi David, Interesting read on statistics and good to see a slight fall in numbers.
I am currently trying to find out how many people actually fall off the edge of a roof compared with how many fall through fragile skylights and roof sheets. We seem to concentrate on edge protection of a roof and most seem to ignore the middle?? At SPSsafenet we concentrate on the forgotten areas to try and further improve the statistics. I hope the HSE can help me on this one?
Regards from the Safenet team.p.s did you get chance to view our two minute video on drop test result we had a smashing time testing and results amazed us being in excess of HSE height requirements.!……………………
Hi Graham.
Thank you for commenting. Yes i did watch your Youtube Video it was very interesting, your system seems to do exactly what it says on the tin and more…How are you getting on with marketing the product?