Schools have found that the health and safety laws regarding school trips have been too much to cope with. As a result there have been fewer school trips in recent years. Gone are the days when teachers take children out to enjoy a summer day. However the Health and Safety Executive have decided to cut down on all the red tape involving school trips and excursions to allow teachers more freedom to control their outings.
Too Many Guidelines for Schools Health and Safety Led to Confusion
Although the school health and safety risk assessments are not one of the services offered by health and safety consultants, it is still an interesting turnaround from the Health and Safety Executive. The risk assessment which has to be completed by the teachers was confusing and off putting. The guidance pages consisted of over 150 pages to help the teachers when filling in the form.
However it appears that schools have got the wrong end of the stick, and perhaps the extensive guidelines have been the cause of this confusion. It is little wonder that with so much paperwork the school trips began to become less common.
The HSE has reduced the guidance booklet to just 8 pages, which they hope will help to bring the fun back into schools and give children more free learning experiences which extend outside of the school grounds. Many schools previously believed that the risk assessment, and relevant permission slips from parents were needed for every single trip, although the government have said that this is not the case.
When Risk Assessments Aren’t Needed
The new guidelines inform teachers that routine local visits do not require risk assessments. This may include swimming trips to local pools, visits to the local museums or libraries or local visits within school hours. In the guide are some simple guides for teachers and the heads to let them know where they stand within the laws and regulations.
When Risk Assessments Are Needed
Risk assessments in the work place are still a vital health and safety services which is offered to businesses all over the UK. A risk assessment needs to be carried out before a new project or job is undertaken. Health and safety consultants, such as Veritas, are able to highlight problem areas and help prevent accidents from occurring.
Understanding the risk assessment regulations may be tricky which is where health and safety consultants can really help. Explaining your duties as an employer can make sure you do everything in your power to reduce the risk of accidents and death.
Fire Risk Assessment Services
Veritas Health and Safety Consultants provide in depth Fire Risk Assessment. If you fail to follow the Fire Safety Order you could face a court appearance and possibly a prison sentence on top of a fine.
The fire risk assessment will help to put together a comprehensive plan to prevent fires from occurring. They also provide a method of acting in a safe way to prevent further accidents in case there is a fire. Call 0800 1488 677 to speak to expert health and safety consultants today.

A chartered (fellow) safety and risk management practitioner with 20+ years of experience. David provides a healthy dose of how-to articles, advice and guidance to make compliance easier for construction professionals, Architects and the built environment. Get social with David on Twitter and Linkedin.