Change Ahoy! CDM Regulations are Being Revised and Here’s What You Need to Know
Yet more changes in regulations and legislations! And if those of you in construction are thinking we’ve already been here before – you’re not wrong.
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 last got a bit of a facelift back in – 2007. Clue’s in the name, really.
And the powers that be have decided that it’s high time for a new makeover.
That means all you folk in construction need to pay super-sharp attention to what’s coming up next year. Because there’s no excuse for not knowing!
What will change
A lot of the changes are all about simplification – and to be honest, this is something most of us can definitely get behind.
- Expect simplified regulations – for a structure that follows project process.
- And a simpler Approved Code of Practice (ACoP).
- Upside of this? Greater clarity of codes of practice should result in greater compliance across the board. Everyone’s a winner.
- Replacing CDM Co-ordinator roles with ‘Principal Designer’.
- This means the Designer should already be a member of the project team, so they should be able to take on health and safety issues too. We’ll have to wait and see how this pans out. But it’s an important one to keep in mind – so make sure you’ve got it stuck in before you start your next project.
- Raising notification requirements.
- This means you won’t need to notify HSE unless it’s a project lasting longer than 30 days – and with more than 20 simultaneous workers. That might actually mean there will actually be fewer projects needing all the hassle of notification – nice one!
- Written health and safety plans for all construction phase projects.
- One step forward and one step back, I’m afraid. But before you groan at another mountain of paperwork, there is a bit of a bright side. Clearer plans mean safer workplaces for all of us – hopefully!
That said, it definitely means those working with smaller projects have to put in an extra shoulder to the grindstone, filling in plans where you never had to before.
What if you’re half-way through already?
Those clever clogs have already thought of this before making the big announcement.
If you’re working with a principal contractor – just need to make sure they up to speed with the new rules. Simple.
But you’ll still need to appoint a PD once the new rules are implemented, although there will be some leeway for transition.
Hopefully they’ll make it as painless as possible for us!
Had an ‘oops’ moment?
Breaches are really not something you can take lightly – they’re punishable by a fine or even a spell in the clink.
So if you think you’ve fallen into breach of the CDM 2007 Regulations then you better crack down and sort it out!
Your take-away points
- Simpler CDM regulations and a simpler ACoP
- Need to appoint a PD
- Notification not needed for smaller and shorter projects below 30 days
- But you have to have written H&S plans for all projects
What do you think of the new revisions? Is there anything that’s concerning you about what to expect?
(all of the above is as it stands today)

A chartered (fellow) safety and risk management practitioner with 20+ years of experience. David provides a healthy dose of how-to articles, advice and guidance to make compliance easier for construction professionals, Architects and the built environment. Get social with David on Twitter and Linkedin.