CDM Regulations 2015
After seven years, the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations, also known as CDM 2007, are due for revision in October 2014 to go live in the first half of 2015. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has been consulting on changes since July 2013 when a series of draft proposals were first circulated.
The new proposals are intended to bring CDM regulations into closer alignment with European legislation regarding construction site safety. The newly proposed CDM 2015 framework comprises 6 parts, split into 38 regulations and 3 schedules.
What could be changing?
As may be expected with any new regulations, additional duties are likely to be created for both construction companies and clients. The most noticeable change at present is the retirement of the role of CDM co-ordinator, which is being replaced by a ‘principal designer’.
It is important to note that the ‘principle designer’ role will still principally be a health and safety management role. The designer will be responsible for ensuring safety is built into any construction project at the planning and design phase.
Better news for construction companies comes from the suggested removal of Appendices 4 and 5 from the existing CDM regulations. According to the consultation document, the existing appendices are “adding significant costs to construction projects with, often, little benefit.”
The specific details of the new CDM regulations will not be published until October this year, making it difficult to predict the exact implications of changes on businesses before then.
What does it mean for your business?
As always, a change in regulations will require some retraining for key members of your team, particularly those who currently hold CDM Co-ordinator responsibilities.
It is also important to note that there will be no transitional period between the retirement of CDM 2007 and the start of CDM 2015. As such, your business will be expected to implement the changes immediately for all projects that starting after the April 2015 hand-over date.
It is also important to note that CDM regulations are just one part of your responsibilities for maintaining health and safety standards. Just as important will be your continuing obligations under the Health & Safety at Work Act. However proper implementation of CDM 2015 should help your business be better prepared to meet these obligations.
On the plus side, retiring two of the more contentious appendices from the CDM 2007 regulations should help your business save money – a more than welcome change as the construction industry begins to pick up pace.
How to reduce the impact of change on your business
Just like the current position of CDM Co-ordinator, the Principal Designer role can be outsourced to a specialist service provider like Veritas Consulting. By outsourcing responsibility for safety management considerations, your service provider will also assume be responsible for staying up to date with changes to regulations and legislation.
Now its your turn.
As always, we’d love your comments.

A chartered (fellow) safety and risk management practitioner with 20+ years of experience. David provides a healthy dose of how-to articles, advice and guidance to make compliance easier for construction professionals, Architects and the built environment. Get social with David on Twitter and Linkedin.