If you are the owner of a construction company you may think that simply following safety regulations is enough to ensure that your team is safe. However, employing safety consultants is an excellent idea because they will ensure that the health and safety of your employees is at a suitable level. This has a direct effect on workers’ productivity and performance.
Safety Consultants for Construction Sites
Companies need to take the health and safety of their workers into consideration and may find employing consultants a worthwhile idea. It is essential that employees have a safe working environment as this has an equal effect on their performance and productivity. Because construction sites have the potential to be extremely hazardous environments, it is essential that employers make sure the work environment is as safe as possible.
Occupational health and safety consultants will take care of employees’ welfare, as well as be responsible for risk assessment and control planning for the workplace. When it comes to construction, workers are at particular risk due to the dust and chemical vapours and particles that they may inhale when at the construction site. Machinery, trenches and falling buildings are also potentially dangerous, which is why it is important to have adequate safety measures in place to avoid accidents and deaths.
A safety consultant has specialised in assessing environments and identifying factors and introducing regimes to make the workplace a safe place. While construction sites are hazardous places with the potential for a number of accidents, certain things such as wearing hardhats and other safety clothing, as well as a type of safety shoe will go a long way towards personal safety. Identify potential risks such as fires on the site and providing things like fire extinguishers and practising fire drills can help minimise this hazard.
Safety consultants do not have to present at every construction site all the time nor do they need to be fulltime employees. However, their service can be invaluable to your business especially when your employees’ health and safety is at great risk. Hire safety consultants to assess your business environment today and ensure that your employees are safe.

A chartered (fellow) safety and risk management practitioner with 20+ years of experience. David provides a healthy dose of how-to articles, advice and guidance to make compliance easier for construction professionals, Architects and the built environment. Get social with David on Twitter and Linkedin.