CSCS Card Test Revision Books
Get your Health and Safety Test revision books here for only £17.50 each. (The latest editions)
The CSCS Card Test Books contain all the questions and answers, essential reading to help you pass your CSCS Health and Safety test.
Currently, CSCS Books are only available in English, but the actual tests can be taken in Russian, Welsh, Polish, German, Lithuainian, Romainian, Bulgarian and Punjabi.
They are suitable for Managers, Supervisors, Operatives, Tradesmen and Professionally Qualified Person tests.
To receive your Health and Safety Test book simply complete this form and make your secure online payment today through Paypal (you don’t need an account just a credit or debit card).
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Your CSCS Card Test book will usually be delivered within 3 – 5 working days.
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